Heel concerns are a frequently encountered issue that prompts patients to seek the expertise of
a foot and ankle specialist. At Revive, we take pride in providing patients with the option of minimally invasive heel repair in the Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle areas. This procedure offers a solution for both functional and aesthetic heel concerns. To gain further insight into our distinctive approach to foot and ankle care, we invite you to get in touch with Revive.


Minimally Invasive Heel Repair (MIHR) is a surgical procedure designed to address heel pain
resulting from plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and other common foot ailments. The procedure entails creating a small incision in the heel and utilizing a special instrument to surgically remove the affective tissue. Compared to conventional open surgery, this method is less intrusive and promotes quicker recovery times.

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Image of a girl removed an high heal shoe and holding her leg from back feeling pain

Some of our key options for heel repair include:

  • Corticosteroid Heel Injections
  • Heel Physical Therapy
  • Surgical Procedures

Corticosteroid Heel Injections

Glucocorticoid injections may be a suitable option for individuals experiencing heel ailments such as Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, or bursitis, among others. These injections can provide temporary relief of symptoms, allowing for increased participation in exercise therapy. The mechanism of action of glucocorticoids involves enhancing the expression of anti-inflammatory proteins and reducing the expression of proinflammatory proteins. This leads to a decrease in inflammation, alleviation of pain, and stimulation of tissue healing. Prior to pursuing corticosteroid therapy, it is prudent to consult with a healthcare professional and collectively determine if it is the appropriate course of treatment.

Heel Therapy

Heel therapy is a specialized method for addressing foot conditions that cause discomfort and pain in the heel area. It focuses on treating the root cause of heel pain, which can include conditions like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, or heel spurs. Heel therapy employs various techniques such as targeted stretching exercises, physical therapy, custom orthotics, and sometimes lifestyle modifications. Its ultimate goal is to reduce inflammation, strengthen the affected area, and improve mobility in order to alleviate heel pain. This comprehensive and non-invasive approach not only relieves current discomfort but also prevents future heel-related issues, thereby promoting better foot health and overall quality of life.

Heel Surgery

Heel surgery is an option for treating severe and persistent heel conditions that have not responded to other conservative methods. It aims to address the underlying causes of chronic heel pain such as severe plantar fasciitis, a ruptured Achilles tendon, or structural abnormalitiesof the heel. The specific procedures used in heel surgery depend on the diagnosis and can range from releasing tight ligaments to removing bone spurs or repairing damaged tendons. In severe cases, bones may even be fused together. It's important to note that heel surgery requires a recovery period and rehabilitation, but it offers long-lasting relief and improved mobility. This allows individuals to regain their quality of life and perform daily activities without experiencing immobilizing heel pain.


Whether it is for cosmetic reasons or due to pain and discomfort, issues with the heel can significantly affect a patient's overall quality of life. Neglecting treatment for such problems can result in their deterioration and potentially lead to further complications in the future. Additionally, heel problems have the potential to adversely impact patients by causing:

  • Acute or chronic pain or discomfort
  • Reduced mobility and difficulty walking
  • Concerns about the aesthetic of the heel
  • Challenges with wearing footwear
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Image of a girl removed an high heal shoe and holding her leg feeling pain


Our procedures are customized to meet the individual needs of each patient, resulting in a
personalized treatment that yields the best results. The Revive procedure follows a three-step process for achieving optimal outcomes.


First, we initiate a comprehensive examination and consultation process to gain a thorough understanding of your primary concern. This process may include reviewing your medical history, conducting physical examinations, and employing additional methodologies—all with the aim of ensuring a precise and reliable diagnosis of your concern.

Procedure Plan

After identifying the problem, we collaboratively engage with patients to develop their customized treatment plan. Throughout the process, we prioritize transparent communication, ensuring a calm and relaxed consultation and planning experience for patients.


The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, enabling you to go home on the same day. The duration of the surgery may vary depending on your condition, typically lasting around two hours. Dr. Anayati will make the necessary adjustments to your heel during this time to enhance and reinforce the affected structures.


By moving forward with heel repair, patients can take back a sense of empowerment over their own quality of life. Some core benefits can include:

Restored Comfort:
Heel pain can interfere with life on multiple levels. By reducing or eliminating it, patients can reclaim a sense of enjoyment in daily activities.

Return to Mobility:
Without heel problems in the way, patients can confidently return to walking, running, or simply moving about with ease and comfort.

Reinforce Health:
Heel problems tend to only worsen with time, leading to additional issues such as inflammation, swelling, and pain. Put a stop to all of these with expert care.

Why Choose Revive for Minimally Invasive Heel Repair?
  • Attention to Aesthetics: Every procedure involves careful consideration of how the foot will look afterward. Scarring is kept to a minimum and hidden in the foot’s less visible areas.
  • Minimally-Invasive Techniques: Get back on your feet sooner with little to no visible scarring after a safe, effective procedure.
  • Boutique Experience: Our practice revolves around one patient at a time, ensuring you receive our full attention when you are at our practice.


The recovery time for heel repair can range from a few weeks to several months, however, we always provide patients with individualized timelines in advance of each patient’s procedure. We also make sure that patients are fully informed about the necessary care instructions following the procedure in order to promote a smoother and faster recovery.

It is normal to experience some initial swelling and discomfort after the procedure, but these can be effectively managed with prescribed medication. Rest and limited activity will be crucial during the initial stages of recovery. However, Dr. Anayati will closely monitor your progress and inform you when you can gradually resume normal activities, resulting in an improved experience.

Image of a girl removed an high heal shoe and holding her leg feeling pain

Book Your Visit Today

Contact Revive Foot and Ankle Surgery in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle for your minimally invasive heel repair consultation today. Book your one-on-one visit with a leading foot and ankle surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive surgery with an aesthetic touch. Fill out our online form or reach out to our office by phone to take the first step toward a more comfortable, confident life.

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9201 Sunset Blvd #401
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Call Today:310.622.4764

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:00pm