FOOT FILLERS Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle

Dermal Foot Fillers
A Cosmetic Treatment

Cosmetic procedures utilizing dermal fillers which contain Hyaluronic Acid have experienced a
surge in popularity, extending beyond facial applications. At Revive Foot Surgery located in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle, we take pride in pioneering cosmetic treatments and enhancements through our innovative utilization of Dermal Foot Fillers. Our filler treatments provide patients with a non-invasive solution to enhance both the comfort and aesthetic appearance of the foot, allowing them to achieve their specific desired outcomes.


Dermal foot fillers are made up of injectable fillers that are similar to those used for procedures such as lip augmentation or nasal reshaping. They typically contain Hyaluronic acid. Additional foot fillers include Scuptra and Leneva Fat Fillers as outlined below. These fillers can be injected to address cosmetic concerns and also provide functional improvements, such as increased comfort by supplying extra padding on the feet. Unlike surgical interventions, they usually require little to no recovery time. Moreover, the results are long-lasting and can last for months or even longer.

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Image showing an injection being given to left leg of a patient

Some of our key options include:

  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Sculptra
  • Leneva® Fat Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally occurring molecule that possesses excellent moisture-binding
properties. It can be administered into the skin through injections or fillers. HA is often referred
to as a "moisture magnet" because it effectively binds water and maintains hydration levels in
the skin, thereby preventing dryness. As we age, our feet undergo a significant amount of wear
and tear, making them more prone to dryness. Hyaluronic Acid Treatment can help revive the
skin on your feet, resulting in a reduction in the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally,
HA aids in facilitating the skin's natural ability to heal, leading to faster recovery for any foot
lesions. Thus, these fillers can provide relief from common foot conditions such as calluses,
blisters, and minor cuts due to its properties in promoting healing. Moreover, the use of
hyaluronic acid also contributes to reducing inflammation and discomfort, resulting in a soothing
and relaxed sensation for your feet.


Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable filler that offers numerous benefits in rejuvenating the feet, particularly due to its ability to stimulate natural collagen production. It is widely used in facial enhancement aesthetic procedures, but now increasingly utilized in podiatry to improve the appearance of one’s feet. Collagen is a protein that helps maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Essentially, Sculptra can help restore lost volume and reduce sagging in the feet. Since it is a non-surgical treatment, Sculptra does not require incisions or downtime. Sculptra is an effective and practical choice for reversing signs of aging, improving skin texture, and restoring volume.

Leneva® Fat Fillers

Leneva Fat Fillers offers a secure and scientifically proven solution for addressing the thinning of the plantar fat pad, or fat pad in the foot. As a result of normal wear and tear, the natural fatpads on the soles of the feet can gradually become thinner, causing discomfort while walking. This deterioration of these fat pads can also contribute to an aged appearance. Fortunately, Leneva Fat Fillers can effectively restore lost volume in the foot, providing necessary support and a more youthful aesthetic. If you are experiencing discomfort due to damaged or thin fat pads, particularly during prolonged periods of walking or standing, Leneva Fat Fillers can alleviate this discomfort by adding natural padding to the soles of your feet.


Foot fillers can be a safe and effective way to restore the appearance or padding of various part of the foot. Some of the treatment’s most common uses are for concerns such as:

  • Restoring a loss of padding in the heel
  • Balancing the appearance of the toes
  • Increased cushioning on any part of the foot
  • Reducing heel pain
Image showing an injection being given to heal of a leg of patient
Revive Foot & Ankle favicon
Image showing an injection being given to center of a leg of patient


One of the advantages of foot fillers is that the treatment is open to a wide range of patients. Age, skin type, medication allergies—none of these matter for being an ideal candidate. However, there are still a few factors to consider when seeing if this treatment is right for you.


The first step to benefitting from foot fillers is to visit our specialist for a consultation. There you can discuss your goals and needs while learning about the available treatments, including fillers or minimally invasive treatments.

Procedure Plan

With your goals firmly in mind, you can work with our foot surgeon to build a procedure plan according to your specifics. Every element will be tailored to match your needs and deliver the outcome you want to see.


Our staff at Revive aims to make your treatment day a stress-free and positive experience. Foot filler sessions tend to last only half an hour to an hour, depending on your individual plans.


Revive believes in being able to do more with less. Rather than conducting invasive procedures, we aim to deliver transformative results as safely and comfortably as possible.

Rediscover Comfort:
Losing padding in the foot can make even simple activities like standing or walking into a painful test of endurance. Restore padding, reclaim comfort.

Restore Confidence:
Even minor cosmetic benefits to the toes or feet can radiate out a boost in self-confidence.

Reinforced Health:
By restoring lost padding or volume, patients can protect the inner structures of their feet against wear and damage.

Why Choose Revive for Your Foot Fillers?
  • Aesthetic Refinement: The foot expert at Revive works with a central focus on delivering stylish, tasteful results that bring out your best.
  • Minimally-Invasive Techniques: Little to no recovery will be needed with non-surgical foot filler treatments. Simply come in, receive treatment, and enjoy your results.
  • Boutique Experience: Part of our mission is to always dedicate our full attention to each patient we work with, never losing them in the crowd.


Following a filler treatment, patients typically experience minimal recovery time. Any potential swelling or redness usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. In some cases,
patients may need to wear a small amount of padding or a specialized shoe for a short period for additional support. However, very shortly afterwards, patients can resume their regular daily routine and engage in normal physical activities.

It's important to note that foot fillers are not permanent, but they can offer benefits for several months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used. The duration of these benefits can also be influenced by the level of physical activity. Nonetheless, the temporary nature of fillers is
advantageous as it allows patients to enjoy the benefits without committing to long-term surgical procedures. In general, fillers can last approximately 6-18 months before naturally breaking
down in the body.

Image showing a heal of leg of a girl being hold by hand feeling pain

Book Your Visit Today

We encourage patients to give every part of themselves the care and attention needed to be at their best. Use our online form or call our practice to start your aesthetic journey with Revive treatments using foot fillers in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle. We aim to provide a memorable positive experience with results that raise confidence and enhance your natural beauty.

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Revive Foot & Ankle Logo

9201 Sunset Blvd #401
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Call Today:310.622.4764

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:00pm