CORN REMOVAL SURGERY Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle


Corns continue to be a relatively common concern for people of all ages. While they are generally not physically dangerous, we do not underestimate the impact they can have on one’s daily quality of life. At Revive in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle, we provide minimally invasive corn removal surgery with a focus on patient comfort and refined results.


Intractable plantar keratoses (IPK), also known as callouses, are colloqually referred to as Corns. Corns differ from calluses in having a hyperkeratotic core. It is a dermatological
condition characterized by a small, painful, raised bump. This condition can affect individuals of all age groups and, while benign, can cause inconvenience and significant discomfort in daily life. A corn develops when a specific area of the skin on the foot is constantly exposed to pressure or friction over an extended period of time. Initially, this friction leads to the formation of thickened skin or a callous. If the friction persists, it can progress into a painful corn. Each year, over 3 million patients seek treatment for corn correction in the United States.

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Corns can be asymptomatic in certain instances; however, in other cases, they can cause considerable discomfort or even impact self confidence. Symptoms of corns may include:

  • Round, wart-like lumps of hard skin
  • Pain, particularly when standing and walking
  • Alteration in the texture or appearnce of the skin
  • Yellow-beige color of hard skin
Image of a girl removed an high heal shoe and holding her leg feeling pain
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Image of a girl legs next to her heals


To effectively treat corns, it is imperative to address the underlying causes of pressure and friction. One recommended approach is to replace tightly fitting footwear with wider, properly fitting shoes, which sometimes proves sufficient for eliminating corns on the feet. Additionally, the utilization of adhesive, ring-shaped corn pads may be beneficial in preventing pressure and friction in the affected area. If these are insufficient, surgical correction may be advised. Revive Foot Surgery in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle specializes in the use of minimally invasive techniques for corn removal debridement surgery with our primary focus on ensuring
patient comfort and achieving precise and successful outcomes.


The assessment of corns is commonly conducted through a comprehensive physical
examination carried out by a skilled podiatrist. Generally, imaging techniques are not necessary for diagnosing corns. Although corns may occasionally be confused with other growths like warts to the general population, a medical professional can typically easily differentiate them based on their distinct characteristics.


After attempting conservative therapies including switching to more wide, well fitting shoes as well as soaking one’s feet in warm water and then carefully removing some of the hard skin, a surgical procedure may be recommended. Revive Foot Surgery offers minimally invasive techniques to debride and remove the corn with significantly less recovery time while maintaining and enhancing the aesthetic look.


The surgical correction of corns involves the careful removal of affected tissue known as
debridement through a safe and convenient procedure. At Revive Foot Surgery, we utilize
minimally invasive techniques to effectively and efficiently remove or treat corns. While
traditional conservative therapy for corns may result in prolonged discomfort, our minimally invasive surgical approach offers a swift and effective solution to alleviate suffering.


By seeking out corn removal, you can put yourself back in control of your comfort and well-being. At Revive, we focus on delivering three core benefits from every procedure.

Rediscover Comfort:
Corns can become a persistent source of discomfort, but removing them can give you back a sense of ease.

Restore Confidence:
Find again the joy in wearing sandals or walking barefoot on the beach without being self-conscious about your feet.

Reinforced Health:
Corns can result in inflamed skin and lesser well-being for your foot overall. Eliminate corns and see improved foot health.

Why Choose Revive for Your Corn Surgery?
  • Aesthetic Refinement: With a subtle aesthetic touch, Revive can provide patients with results that leave their feet looking their best.
  • Minimally-Invasive Techniques: Precision, advanced methods, patient-centric care. Together these allow for smoother, quicker recovery to get you back on your feet.
  • Boutique Experience: We never overbook, instead focusing on giving each patient undivided attention while they are in our care.


The recovery process for corn removal surgery can vary based on factors such as the location, size, and condition of the corn. However, our objective is to minimize the number of incisions
required for complete corn removal, resulting in a shorter recovery period. Patients can typically resume their regular activities within a few days and comfortably wear shoes again within a few weeks. Adhering to post-procedure instructions is crucial for achieving a prompt and comfortable recovery. To prevent the recurrence of corns, we advise patients to wear
appropriately fitting shoes whenever possible. Ill-fitting shoes, whether too tight or too loose, can contribute to the development of new corns. If you notice the formation of any new corns, it is recommended to have them removed promptly. Early removal of corns makes the procedure
easier and less invasive.

Image of a girl removed an high heal red shoe and holding her leg feeling pain

Book Your Visit Today

Schedule a consultation with Revive to learn more about our minimally invasive corn removal surgery in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle. As the practice of a leading foot surgeon, Revive strives continually to push podiatric care forward with minimally invasive techniques that bring transformative results without the drawbacks of traditional methods. Call us or use our online form to start with your consultation.

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9201 Sunset Blvd #401
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Call Today:310.622.4764

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:00pm