AESTHETIC NAIL RESTORATION Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle


Onychomycosis is a medical condition characterized by a fungal infection of the nail. This
infection can cause the nail to become disfigured and may result in pain, as well as an increased susceptibility to bacterial infections in immunocompromised patients. Additionally, it may not meet certain aesthetic standards. There are various treatment options available for onychomycosis, including oral and topical antifungal medications, as well as physical interventions such as photodynamic therapy (PDT), laser treatment, and surgery. At Revive Foot Surgery, located in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle, we take pride in our Aesthetic Nail Restoration solution, which effectively eliminates these fungal infections.


At Revive, we specialize in Aesthetic Nail Restoratino techniques that effectively eliminate fungal infectious while safeguarding the integrity of the surrounding tissues. The specific technique used is laser therapy. Our approach places a strong emphasis on preserving the nail matrix, which is vital for proper regrowth postprocedure.

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Image showing nails of a patient being scaled with an instrument

Misshapen Toenails

Misshapen or curved toenails are common concerns that can occur due to various factors, such as trauma. Trauma to the toenail can happen from accidental impacts, repetitve pressure, or ill-fitting footwear. Such traumas can lead to changes in teh shape, curve, or thickness of the toenail when they affect the nail matrix, which is responsible for nail growth. Consequently, ingrown toenails or irregular nail growth patterns may develop. It is crucial to properly manage and treat these conditions not only to alleviate discomfort, but also to maintain the nail’s natural shape and health. This will result in greater comfort and overall well-being for your feet.

Aesthetic Nail Laser Treatment

Laser therapy in the treatment of onychomycosis is often utilized as an effective means of eradicating the fungal infection without damage of the surrounding tissue. Some proposed mechanisms of action is a direct fungicidal effect of the laser and inhibition of the fungus by laser-induced changes in the tissue environment, as well as laser-induced immunologic effects. It is sometimes used in combination therapy with topical antifungal agents effective for onychomycosis. As a result of laser therapy, the infection is eradicated and the nail’s appearance is improved as it gradually regains its natural color and texture.

SIGNS of Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis, or fungal infection of the nail, may appear differently from one patient to the next, and each individual’s symptoms may indicate the stage of the fungus’s spread. Some changes in the nail that may indicate onychomycosis include:

  • Thickening of the nail
  • Discoloration of the nail (opaque white or yellowish hues)
  • Texture changes (brittle)
  • Uneven shape of the nail
  • Separation of the nail from the nail bed
  • Unpleasant odor of the nail
Image of a beautiful legs with black and blue nail polish
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Image showing fingers of legs with skin color nail polish


Careful discussion with a skilled medical professional is vital in determining whether Aesthetic Nail Restoration is right for you. After careful history taking and physical exam, a skilled podiatrist can determine which technique would be right for each individual case.


During your consultation, we can discuss past treatments and examine the current state of your nails. Our surgeon can then recommend how to move forward based on findings.

Procedure Plan

The ideal solution is to remove as little of the nail as possible. So we ensure that every procedure plan is designed to ensure lasting results.


As much or all of the nail is removed during the procedure, we want to ensure patients are ready for the commitment it entails. While initial recovery is brief, it can take months for the nail to fully regrow.


While laser treatment for Onychomycosis is a safe and effective means of eradication of toenail fungal infections, it is especially useful in patients with cases that may have been resistant to first line antifungal topical or oral therapies. It is sometimes used in conjunction with topical antifungal therapy as combination therapy. It may also be utilized in patients seeking a quicker recovery, or interested in preserving the aesthetic look of their toes while offering little to no adverse effects on the surrounding tissue as well as no adverse systemic effects.

Rediscover Comfort:
Knowing that your nails are free from fungus is a liberating experience, with patients reporting feeling altogether fresher and cleaner.

Restore Confidence:
Remove your shoes and socks without worry, knowing there will be no smell or visible fungus to make you self-conscious.

Reinforced Health:
Fungal infections rarely are content to sit idle and rapidly can spread to other toes or even to your skin. Eliminate that chance.

Why Choose Revive for Your Nail Treatment?
  • Aesthetic Focus: Our aesthetic nail procedure is designed to get rid of fungal infections while also preserving the nail’s ability to grow out fully and healthily.
  • Minimally-Invasive Techniques: Precise methodology ensures minimal recovery times and a healthy, protected nail matrix.
  • Boutique Experience: Our treatments are provided in a comfortable, considerate, and confidential setting where your needs are the sole focus.


It is common to experience some initial discomfort and fluid retention around the surgical site after the procedure. However, these symptoms will gradually lessen and can be effectively
managed with medication, if needed. It is crucial to carefully follow postprocedure instructions to ensure a smoother and quicker recovery with optimal results.

Typically, it approximately takes two weeks for the nailbed to heal enough to resume physical activities. During this time and as the toenail regrows, it is important to maintain cleanliness and safety measures for your toe. Generally, it may take around a year and a half for most
individuals to fully regrow their nail, although the rate of nail growth varies among individuals. The success of the procedure should completely eradicate any fungal infection in the nail, allowing for a healthy and smooth regrowth. However, it is still important to avoid factors that increase the risk of a subsequent infection. By keeping your toes dry, clean, and hygienic, you
can ensure long-term foot health and appearance.

Image showing fingers of legs with skin color nail polish

Book Your Visit Today

We encourage you to take that first step toward eliminating the influence of nail fungus in your life. Schedule a consultation for aesthetic nail restoration in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle at Revive to see lasting toenail fungus removal. You can start by contacting us by phone or by using our online form to begin with booking your initial visit.

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9201 Sunset Blvd #401
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Call Today:310.622.4764

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:00pm